Humint Events Online: WTC Demolition: Atomic Weapons Versus Beam Weapons

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

WTC Demolition: Atomic Weapons Versus Beam Weapons

This piece tries to make the case for a 4th generation hydrogen bomb for the demolition of the WTC.

The article makes several good points, but I think the case for a space-based microwave beam used to take down the WTC towers is better in terms of the overall evidence:
Here are the principal data that must be explained:

1. The Twin Towers were destroyed faster than physics can explain (free fall speed "collapse")
2. The protective bathtub was not significantly damaged by the destruction of the Twin Towers
3. The rail lines, rail cars and tunnels had only light damage
4. The WTC mall survived well, witnessed by Warner Bros. Road Runner and friends
5. The seismic impact was minimal, far too small based on our comparison with the Kingdome controlled demolition
6. The Twin Towers were destroyed from the top down, not bottom up, unlike WTC7
7. The upper 80 percent, approximately, of each tower was turned into fine dust and did not crash to the earth
8. File cabinet with folder dividers survive
9. Office paper was densly spread throughout lower Manhattan, unburned, often along side burning cars.
10. Vertical round holes were cut into buildings 4, 5 and 6, plus a cylindrical arc into Bankers Trust and into Liberty street in front of Bankers Trust
11. All planes but top secret missions were ordered down until 10:31 a.m. (when only military flights were allowed to resume), after both towers were destroyed, and only two minutes after WTC 1 had been destroyed
12. Approximately 1,400 motor vehicles were towed away, toasted in strange ways during the destruction of the Twin Towers
13. The order and method of destruction of each tower minimized damage to the bathtub.
14. Twin Tower control without damaging neighboring buildings, in fact all seriously damaged or destroyed buildings had a WTC prefix, and no others.
15. The north wing of WTC 4 was left standing, neatly sliced from the main body which virtually disappeared
16. The WTC1 and WTC2 rubble pile was far too small to account for the mass, unlike that of WTC7
17. Eyewitness testimony about toasted cars, instant disappearance of people by "unexplained" waves, a plane turning into a mid-air fireball and electrical power cut off moments before WTC 2 destruction, the sound of explosions
18. The possibility that a technology exists. Since invention of the microwave for cooking in 1945 and laser beam in 1955*, commercial and military development of beam technology has proceeded apace, so use of high-energy beams are likely

What theories are available to explain these phenomena?
We can identify seven theories:

1. Natural causes such as earthquakes and hurricanes
2. Arson
3. The official theory of airplane impact, fires and weakened steel collapsing
4. Conventional demolition with explosives such as RDX, dynamite, etc.
5. Demolition via thermite or its variants

6. Fission or fusion nukes (and clean bombs)

7. Beam weapons

No one proposes that an earthquake destroyed the Twin Towers from the top down. The theory is contradicted by nearly all the data above. For example, no earthquake can toast cars in inexplicable patterns.

In fact, the data refute theories a to e –- natural, arson, official, conventional and thermite demolition -– in particular the intact bathtub, minimal seismic impact, and "dustification" prove nothing close to 1 million tons of material slammed down on the WTC foundation and its sub-basements. The debris stacks left where the Twin Towers once stood hardly covered the ground. The rescue dogs and workers did not climb up a tall pile but had to repel down to search for survivors. The arson and thermite theories fail to explain every data point, but all the unburned paper in particular refute any high-temperature base hypothesis.

The nuclear theory fails because an explosion powerful enough to turn most of each tower to dust would have seriously damaged the bathtub, probably flooded lower Manhattan, and spiked a high Richter reading. It violates a number of data points, including the observed top-down disintegration. And if a nuke were at the top, it could not progressively destroy lower floors and there were only a few steel beams tossed onto adjacent buildings and none above the 20th floor. Lots of aluminum cladding was tossed onto neighboring buildings’ roofs but no steel beams. How could a nuke be so selective? It could not. Nor can a nuke explain the toasted cars.

All the data are consistent with a beam weapon. Take the round holes in buildings 5 and 6. A high-energy weapon by definition could cut into buildings, destroy material and leave discreet boundaries in the buildings. We have know of no other explanation that has been offered for these peculiar holes. Similarly, some 1,400 cars were toasted in inexplicable patterns, and no alternative explanation to energy wave reflections has been offered. As Sherlock Holmes declared,

"When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
(emphasis added)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'd like to hear Fred's take on Nukes vs. Beams/Lasers/Directed Energy/Scalar...personally i think they used nukes for the major underground explosions, and possibly used Scalar/Beams to vaporize the insides of the towers, along with cutting charges to ensure those buildings came down...whatever it was, those buildings were turned into DUST, VAPORIZED...

11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, given all the toasted cars around the neighborhood I'd go with beam weapon from above.

That having been said, I'm sure one can design mininukes to be "directional" and send radiation up rather than out in all directions. Esentially you'd have something small and shielded down in the basement pointing up, and generating a beam of its own.

To me, looking at the photos, the evidence for scalar EM weaponry seems very strong. The spire isn't hot: if it were hot it would glow. It's not melting, it's turning to dust.

I think the building was rigged for conventional demolition, and then the beam weapon helped with a lot of the heavy lifting. I suspect they also used a couple of different beam technologies.

I don't think you'd see the scalar EM weapons drilling holes like you see in WTC 6. It's sort of like the school play. Every kid has to have a part. Rumsfeld just loves exotic weaponry. Why, they're "transformational!"


Latest octopus 2 is here:

11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Anon's post. The mini-nuke is certainly not out of the question for the basement explosion. It would probably be pretty easy to place and save a lot of trouble of putting in more conventional explosives.

Whatever they used, they sure got the job done. Also, I suspect that they "over-engineered" the demolition. If anything didn't work, the other technologies would probably have done a fine job on their own.


1:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You left out the a much more realistic scenario - a large invisble (i.e. cloaked) cow in east Jersey City that farted and blew everything down.

There more evidence of that happening than some Star Trek Space 1999 laser or some nuke going off.

ANYTHING but aircraft!

8:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh...and Spook, ol' buddy ol' pal...if you glom onto my invisible cow farting idea, you simply *must* give me credit.

8:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pinch, even if planes DID hit the towers (which many suspect didn't),
the jet fuel couldn't burn hot enough to vaporize the insides of those buildings...there was NOTHING left, except DUST and VERY small debris...exotic weaponry HAD to have been used: nukes, scalar, haarp, beams/lasers, DIRECTED ENERGY...did i say DIRECTED ENERGY weapons? there's a vid available that shows Rumsfeld and Myers getting all panicky when a reporter asks them about DIRECTED ENERGY weapons...i wonder why they got so nervous...

11:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pinch is well aware of that.
why else would he throw cows into the mix?

2:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

here is the vid with rumsy and meyers and their admission that although energy weapons were in the early stages of development they would certainly be willing to use them:

that's odd, i don't see anything in there about cows farting -
could it be that pinch knows something that rumsy/myers don't?

2:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

toasted cars--could mini-nukes have caused that? i personally think so, but i might be wrong...otherwise, scalar, directed energy, haarp, spacebeam, microwave weapon...the bizarre YELLOW GLOW visible during the collapses needs to be investigated...what was that bizarre YELLOW GLOW in the PYROCLASTIC FLOW? Mad props to R Siegel, his vid was the first to talk about pyroclastic flow AND he measured the explosions with a seismology instrument, including the mega-explosions seconds before each building collapsed...

6:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow spooked, you're pretty CONVINCED about the lasers/spacebeams/directed energy, i have to research them more for myself...for a while i was thinking nukes were involved, maybe not...cause of the Bathtub, you're right, if nukes were used those bathtubs would have been destroyed...we need a full-scale investigation of the black-budget technology, 21st century weapons, space it possible they used TESLA's theories and research to create these weapons of unprecedented horror and magnitude? they're freakin destroying skyscrapers with lasers now...hey, they'd probably put Controlled Demolition Inc out of business...not to make a joke...too bad thousands of people were in the towers when they used 'em...they needed many deaths to justify their wars and media bullshit...

6:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the scalar EM weapons are Tesla-based. You need multiple sources for the waves, and at the intersection all sorts of crazy things happen (metals turn to jelly, solids turn to dust, things levitate and flip over...) It's very cool technology, but demolishing buildings with people inside is very not-cool.


Re the mininuke, I think you could certainly use that to get the tower to turn to dust, but I don't think you'd see cars in the neighborhood bursting into flames without also seriously damaging the "bathtub". For the mini-nuke idea, they would have had to set it up so that it was sending out radiation above it, sort of like the shape of an ice-cream cone with the device underneath at the pointy-part "V" of the cone. If it was exploding in all directions like a regular bomb it would surely have hurt the areas they were trying to protect.

If you think about the operation, they went to great lengths to make sure the initial body-count was around 3,000. They really did design a "Pearl Harbor" for TV. If they just zapped the towers straight away, it would have killed 20k people (too many) and if they just zapped them in the middle of the night or did a demonstration out in the Nevada desert, they wouldn't have generated the blood-lust for war that they wanted. Clever bastards.


1:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Democrat, I watched that clip from 1:10 on. Interesting stuff--thanks for posting it. Is that Werner von Braun's girlfriend? It at least provides more evidence that they've been developing directed energy weapons for a long, long time.

9:30 AM  

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