Humint Events Online: "Fascinating"

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


The Structural Engineer journal:
Dr Eaton said: ‘We were given a fascinating insight into what had been happening at the site. Our hosts, under the firm’s principal engineer George Tamaro (F), had been constantly involved at Ground Zero for several months. They had been called in as foundation engineers within a week of 11 September, and had spent several months examining the stability of the debris and the diaphragm wall all around the site, commonly known as the “bathtub” They had been key individuals in advising on the excavation of the site, with a great deal of care being needed before debris could be removed in order to maintain the stability of the original slurry walls.

‘They showed us many fascinating slides’ he continued, ‘ranging from molten metal which was still red hot weeks after the event, to 4-inch thick steel plates sheared and bent in the disaster’.

It's hard to know how to respond to this. Clearly, Eaton is telling us of an extreme anomaly, that blows away the official 9/11 story, and for that we can be grateful he is giving us this evidence. Perhaps, this is all he thought he could get away with saying, without getting into "trouble".

On the other hand, what an asshole. Yes, isn't it FASCINATING to see this evidence that certainly points to a deep dark crime of the highest order-- so why the fuck won't you say anything else about it???


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good points, Spooked.

One thing I should make explicit, that I left out when I first noted this item in comments: Dr. Eaton, and that Structural Enginnering Journal and Society are British, and based in London.

I am not sure how this might make a difference. Also a possibility is that he might have been sworn to secrecy on some things; or even having some type of connection to things. After all, it is known in the conspiracy field that London-based MI5/6 control the CIA, the KGB/FSB, the Mossad etc. And maybe he has some connection to the British secret services. And as you noted, he might be plain scared to go any further. He only confirmed that he saw pics of what many firemen have said they saw.

But he sure would be worth interviewing! But wait...

As I write this, I learn that there are other unimpeachable sources for the molten steel.

Leslie E. Robertson, a structural engineer who helped design the WTC, told the Structural Engineers Association of Utah that: “ of 21 days after the attack the fires were still burning and MOLTEN STEEL STILL RUNNING.” Ref: James Williams, “WTC a Structural Success,” SEAU NEWS, The Newsletter of the Structural Engineers Association of Utah, October 2001, #3.

So we have a top American structural engineer who eyewitnessed FLOWING MOLTEN STEEL when he was on site 3 weeks after 9/11. So we go beyond the firemen that the DEWhuggers/OCThuggers have labeled as stupid or duped.

And this: Alison Geyh Ph.D., an Assistant Professor of Environmental Health at Johns Hopkins, was on scene at the WTC. She wrote, in "late Fall, 2001", that “In some pockets now being uncovered they are finding molten steel.”[4]

Furthermore, molten metal was even reported to the 9/11 Commission by Kenneth Holden, Commissioner of the city of New York. He told the panel about seeing “molten metal” during a walkthrough.

So the lying 911 Commssion knew about the molten steel, and the flowing molten steel. And likely knew the source; the China Syndrome of nuclear reacting fragments. It is noted in the reference below, that millions of gallons of water did not stop the heat source for the molten steel. I believe Spooked has also noted that. As I have written, at this site, the nuclear reacting fragments are not affected by a no-oxygen state, or by water, etc. I wrote that they would stop only by 1. reaching its half-life limit, or 2. as was done in this case (eventually), being carted away. This did not apparently happen until some time between March and May 2002, from the other articles I have written here.

One other thing I learned at the last reference is that photographer, Joel Meyerowitz, was allowed on scene for 9 months. He too has said that his rubber boots melted at the WTC. He came out with a book of his pics. (What he would have been allowed to publish.) It is published by a London publisher. Has anyone here bought or seen this photo book?

I find it extremely strange that Meyerowitz' own website does not contain any reference to his "Aftermath" 911 WTC book--unlike his other photo books?!

Good overall article:

Finally I must reiterate the following. The 911 Commission and NIST deny the existence of molten steel even though we now learn that a NYC Commissioner informed them of this on record!

They must deny because their pancaking does not allow for this weeks and months later (and not during collapse either, but that's another story). The DEW people invent a "New Physics" of lurking above ground/deep underground/anywhere needed "steel specific resonating" DEW. It also melts rubber boots through a new process to be revealed later. And the termites, er thermite theory? Here the nuclear physicist knows well that only nuclear reactions could cause the lingering high temps and molten steel, so he claims these phenomena for his thermite theory. Even though thermite would go to ambient temperature within minutes or hours.

Molten Steel/China Syndrome is now well proven

Anonymous Physicist

1:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh boy. rapture. more digital shit from the Anonymous Bloviator.


Don't youc are that nobody but a bunch of asswipe pimply teens with names like Ned and Bert read this shit?

7:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Joel Meyerowitz, was allowed on scene for 9 months."

Is hea dead from radiation poisoning?

He should be. If your lunatic moronic thesis is to have any weight, Meyerowitz should be pushing up daisies somewhere.

If he isn't and if a thousand others aren't, all directly from radiation poisoning from a nuclear detonation, with residual material having a "half-life" that you speak of, even before it was hauled away.

Speakign of which, if there were radioactive material with a half-life that was slowly decaying, it would have been in the basement area, and the basement are was not reched for months and months and months afterwards. That meant *everyone* working on that pile should be dyign or dead from radiation poisoning.


Fuck you, moron.

7:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. If you really thought we were morons, what does that say about you coming here to learn from us?

2. Everyone in the building was vaporized from radiation (neutrons, gamma rays). That's why half had no DNA left to be analyzed. Pancaking (OCT) leaves more than bone ash, retard.

3. Retard, there were many, many thousands of survivors from say Hiroshima; some did not die from their radiation induced cancer or other illness for decades, some are still alive and sick, some never got sick.

This delay was already addressed by A.P. in a medical research article A.P. cited. If only you could read.

All but retards can understand this time delay. Retards are known to have severe mental problems with the fourth dimension.

Earlier, gestapo-loving shill, you wrote 90% of WTC responders should be dead. Now you wrote 100%. Care to go higher?

We don't know if Myerowitz wore protective clothing like the FEMA videographers did. All we know is that a London-based firm has all his pics, unlike his other books.

Finally total retard, the answer is in your scenario. As you wrote, the nuclear reacting fragments were deep underground (your words: "it would have been in the basement area"), and this shielded workers on top from the radiation! Those who carted the stuff away when the time came, were likely FEMA with the appropriate garb.

Get it retard? It is a matter of distance and material shielding. So it is clear that you have a problem with the concept of distance (space), as well as time.

Do they do any I.Q. testing for you retards at the NSA/CIA? Or is it all based on "blue-blood" crap? That inbred genetic thing sure breeds retards, who can't comprehend simple things like time or space. Or did you have to undergo the Skull and Bones coffin RITUAL (while being videotaped). That must have hurt. Is that why you always write about these things on every other post of yours--instead of addressing the issues. or is it like now, when you try to address the issues, you show how retarded you really are.

8:26 PM  
Blogger spooked said...

As you wrote, the nuclear reacting fragments were deep underground (your words: "it would have been in the basement area"), and this shielded workers on top from the radiation! Those who carted the stuff away when the time came, were likely FEMA with the appropriate garb.

... It is a matter of distance and material shielding.

Exactly. Exposure must have varied tremendously from person to person. Furthermore, not everyone exposed the same way will get sick the same way or at the same time. It all depends on what DNA gets damaged by the radiation. Some genes can get mutated and not cause any problems, but mutate an oncogene, and you are in trouble. Also, some people are more resistant to cancer due to genetics-- they have better DNA repair genes for instance, or stronger tumor suppressor genes.

10:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So we had thousands of genetically-resistant workers on the rubble for months and months.

Wow. You never cease to amaze me with your knowledge, Spooky!


2:06 PM  

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