Humint Events Online: Interesting Greenspan Remarks About 9/11

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Interesting Greenspan Remarks About 9/11

Alan Greenspan was on the Diane Rehm show on "NPR" this morning-- said the only way terrorists could have really hurt the country was if they mounted more attacks right after 9/11. He said he was very surprised then and is still surprised there were no follow up attacks immediately after 9/11, even though everyone was expecting more attacks*.

Silly al Qaeda!

They forgot to plan follow up attacks!**

*Yes, I know there were the anthrax mailings, but most people don't really consider that a follow-up to 9/11. Further, the media generally doesn't like to talk about the anthrax attacks, possibly because they were such an obvious false-flag attack.

**Yes, one could argue the Bush administration got it's act together and stopped further attacks that were planned by "Al Qaeda" right after 9/11. But this is extremely unlikely since we would have undoubtedly heard about major attacks that were busted up after 9/11, and we've never heard of such a thing. Further, it stands to reason any intelligent and independent terror organization would-- 1) plan some sort of different attack than the first one, on the premise that the government would take obvious precautions to stop the same kind of attack as the first one (e.g. take extra steps to prevent plane hijackings), and 2) have well hidden agents that couldn't easily be rounded up in a general sweep of illegal aliens.


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