Humint Events Online: Is Obama a British Agent?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Is Obama a British Agent?

Previously I would have scoffed at this item from Sherman Skolnick.


1) Anonymous Physicist, who I trust, thinks Skolnick was one of the few honest conspiracy researchers out there before he passed away a couple years back.

2) It makes the allegations that Obama's birth certificate were forged in a more understandable context (and honestly, while it seems crazy, the certificate does look wrong).

One wonders if the recent "foiled assassination attempt" is part of Obama's legend.

While the prospect of a McCain presidency is quite frightening, if Obama is in fact a British agent, that definitely portends some major trouble ahead.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What facts are you basing your question on?

One could just as easily ask: Is anonymous physicist a British Agent?
Or a Russian Agent? I could cite certain facts and call them evidence and claim it supports the conclusion that "he" is.

And, my claim is actually far more
plausible than the one about Obama.

12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AHEAD OF THE PARADE by Sherman H. Skolnick -- ISBN 1-893302-32-6 ... page 20

Federal Reserve Notes, masquerading as "U.S. money." The Feds unconstitutional money is backed by nothing, not gold, not silver, just hot air. [President John F. Kennedy wanted to bring back "Silver Certificate" money and genuine U.S. money, in opposition to the Federal Reserve. Some believe this was one reason for his assassination. His son, John F. Kennedy, Jr., likewise opposing the Fed, may have been assassinated by a bombed aircraft for this, among other reasons; Jr. secretly intended to run for President in 2000.]

1:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Tim Russert may have been poisoned in the same way that the Russian guy was in London last year.

Why? Because, as a Democrat, he secretly intended to expose Obama
as non-eligible to be President.

Sherman Skolnick didn't uncover this, but I bet he would have if he hadn't died.

4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous Physicist, who I trust, thinks Skolnick was one of the few honest conspiracy researchers"

That's weird, because I read that SS was a CIA asset. This came out about the same time as he was supposedly
exposing government lies about the crash of UA93 in Chicago. That was the flight that Mrs. E. Howard Hunt was on. As I understand it, she was carrying a large sum of money
($100K) of hush money that had been provided her by CIA to help in the long so-called silent coup that ended with Nixxon's being forced to resign.

6:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So we see "Early" that you are still allowed to post your foul filth here.

Post your evidence that "A.P. is a British agent" or a "Russian Agent".

You have indicted yourself here as intel filth.

Post your evidence right now, you old gestapo filth.

7:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And post your evidence that "Sherman Skolnick was a CIA asset."

Sherman Skolnick was acknowledged by a Supreme Court Judge for his patriotism in putting away crooked judges.

You're real good, "Early" at disparaging dead or very sick people. What lying filth you are.

7:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't disagree with the logic, or at least you didn't try to refute it.

"One could just as easily ask: Is anonymous physicist a British Agent?
Or a Russian Agent? I could cite certain facts and call them evidence and claim it supports the conclusion that "he" is.

And, my claim is actually far more
plausible than the one about Obama.

12:40 PM"

8:09 PM  

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