Humint Events Online: Waaay Too Much Crap to Keep Track of

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Waaay Too Much Crap to Keep Track of

Worries about GM foods.

Grossed out over mechanically separated chicken.

Worries about depleted uranium.

Worries about the horrors we've done in Fallujah.

Worries about the Large Hadron Collider.

Worries about vaccines.

Worries about extra-judicial executive assassinations.

Worries about the police state and the clampdown on peace activists, for craps sake.

Worries about what 9/11 truth could mean.

Worries about Blackwater still getting USG contracts.

Worries about never-ending Al Qaida bull-shit.

Worries about what is happening in Pakistan, and the terrible waste of war.

Worries about the mess we created in Iraq.

Worries about how bad the gulf is fucked up.

To name a few things...

(thanks to JH and AP for several of the links)


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