Humint Events Online: Benghazi Attack Leader Says It Was About the Anti-Muslim Video After All

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Benghazi Attack Leader Says It Was About the Anti-Muslim Video After All

Too funny.

This works on several levels.

If it actually is true, it is a brilliant vindication for the Obama administration against the asinine GOP attacks on Benghazi.

If it's not true, it's still brilliant propaganda for the Obama administration against the asinine GOP attacks on Benghazi.

It would be great irony if the administration or its allies used torture to get this "confession", thus showing how useful torture is for getting false confessions.

This kind of story also might be useful for getting the GOP and conservatives to realize how fungible and bogus these terrorist groups are. I wouldn't hold my breath on that, though.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic question about ancient astronauts:

Surely, chariot-like vehicles couldn't thru space, yet the drawings etc. of these alleged vehicles look like ancient wagons.

Why are there no known depictions of what a real spaceship would look like? Something more realistic than a flaming chariot.

If people actually saw spaceships, why wouldn't they have been able to draw or paint something that looks like a vehicle that actually COULD travel thru space?

9:54 PM  

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